Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Yard work and Bath time.

I love getting new stuff in the mail. My Aunt Kelly sent me some new clothes. Daddy says SMU is a school in Dallas and that I cant go there because traffic is bad and the football team is worse. I dont know though, the colors look really good on me.

I look good in all colors though. I am just one of those people that cant help but look good in everything. Daddy says I get it from him but I think I get it from Momma.

I am also a gifted musician. I have added a new stand up routine to go with my Piano play.

We got to head down to Granpa's house near Houston this weekend. Grandpa need some help in the yard so I decieded to lend a hand with some of the tougher things.

I am helping him test his Garden cart by giving him something to push around the yard.

Best part about working hard is getting to relax afterwards. I found a real good spot next to the fan. I also get a kick out of my hair whipping in the breeze.

After sweating in the yard all day a guy has to get clean you know. I headed to one of my favorite bath spots.

I am a real active bath time guy. I like to mix it up a bit, I start with a little splashing then I move on to some toy fish eating.

When I am done I make sure that I get good and dry.

So what do you guys think? Am I just the sutest baby boy in the world or what!??!?


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