Turkey Day!
I really dont know what Mommy and Daddy want from me? They put me under this thing and expect me just lay her and stare or something.

I decided to talk the parents into taking me to Dallas for Thanksgiving. I am not sure what it is but all the stufff I see on T.V. says you are supposed to spend it with family so I dropped my cousins a line and told them to meet me at Granny and Pops. I got Mommy to pack us up and we were off.

I was nice to meet my cousins. They have been around a lot longer than me so they showed me the ropes.

Grayce showed me the proper way to crawl. I have been working on it but just dont have it down yet as good as her. She can motor man! She had Daddy running around all weekend chasing her. It looked like a lot of fun and I cant wait until I am big enough to do it on my own.

I tried it on my own after she made fun of me for not being able to do it... it didnt work out as well for me.

No worries though I have other Talents, I am an Artist! I made this card for Mommy and Daddy at Daycare.

That is all I got for today. I am going through some other pictures I got and will get them up soon. I need to make sure they show me in my best form.