Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Turkey Day!

I really dont know what Mommy and Daddy want from me? They put me under this thing and expect me just lay her and stare or something.

I decided to talk the parents into taking me to Dallas for Thanksgiving. I am not sure what it is but all the stufff I see on T.V. says you are supposed to spend it with family so I dropped my cousins a line and told them to meet me at Granny and Pops. I got Mommy to pack us up and we were off.

I was nice to meet my cousins. They have been around a lot longer than me so they showed me the ropes.
They are a lot better with toys than me. They got them all figured out and can make them work.

Grayce showed me the proper way to crawl. I have been working on it but just dont have it down yet as good as her. She can motor man! She had Daddy running around all weekend chasing her. It looked like a lot of fun and I cant wait until I am big enough to do it on my own.

I tried it on my own after she made fun of me for not being able to do it... it didnt work out as well for me.

No worries though I have other Talents, I am an Artist! I made this card for Mommy and Daddy at Daycare.

That is all I got for today. I am going through some other pictures I got and will get them up soon. I need to make sure they show me in my best form.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

I have had a rough week

I started school this week and it really takes a lot out of me.

Daddy says this is my best side. He always gives me a hard time when I am working out. I am trying really hard to crawl for him and Mommy. I have mastered the roll over and I am a champ at pushing my head up but I still have not been able to do it all the same time.

It takes so much out of me I have to nap again. I love the boppie. Dady will pull it up next to him and we can watch T.V. and play poker.

I am really int baths also. I have had several and they keep getting better each time. I like the bubbles a lot.

I also like going for rides in the car. Mommy takes me on one almost everyday! It makes me sleepy too. I think that is why Mommy does it.
With all the sleep I get I normally am awake all night long and I like to stay up with Daddy. He says I am lucky and likes to rub my belly. He says I am a Lucky charm.

When every he wins big I get to play upside down baby! It is so fun.

Me nad Buffy are still best friends even though she is eating all my toys.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

SO much is happening!

I am so mad I cant stand it! Daddy wont let me borrow his Jeep to go pick up chicks. Can you beleive that?!?! I have done all the things I am supposed to and he still wont give in, maybe I can just cry as loud as I can till I get my way.

I got to me some new people this week. Curtis and Kate are friends of Daddy's from back in his "Wilder days". Daddy use to raise a lot of H E L L ( he says I can spell bad words but not say them). They are really cool. Curtis was at the house the night I showed up and from what Daddy tells me he freaked out just a little bit. Since then though he has been awesome and he likes to play with me and make faces. Katie is really cool as well. She smells real good and has real soft hair. When I get older I am going to look for a girl just like her.

Buffy is still my best friend EVER. She follows me every where and makes sure that my hands are always clean. She even tests out all my toys first just to make sure they taste right. Friends like that are special.

I have been working out everyday so that I can get big and strong. How am I looking.? Here is my pose.

All this writing and working out is making me sleepy. I am going to take a nappy poo now.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Almost a month!

I have been in town for almost a full month now and I am starting to learn my way around. I have been hang'in with my best friend in the whole world Buffy. She has been awesome for me. She watches over me and makes sure I know how to play with my toys.

I also have some pretty serious threads. Daddy says I look like a little fat baby model and that all the chicks are going to dig me. I don't know what that means but everything Daddy tells me is super cool so it must be good.

I got to meet this other guy this past weekend. Daddy says his name is Dad also. I cant help but think that I know him from somewhere. He looks really familiar to me. I dont know where I know him from but he sure is good looking.

I LOVE THE CAR!!! Daddy takes me for rides in the Jeep and it is all bumpy and stuff. It is so fun. Daddy says one day he will teach me to go muddin! I sometimes go for rides with Mommy but Daddy says her car is for geeks and people that vote Green party. Farvignugan!

I need to work on my look maybe you guys can help me. I can not figure out what to do with my hair.

I got to go swimming in the baby tub this week. Mommy cleaned me all up good and got me ready to go hang out with some new friends

I have also been working out this week. Daddy says if I am going to play for the Longhorns I need to do my push ups. I can do 1! The second one is so darn hard I just give up sometimes.
Thats all I have been up to this week. I have decided to take it easy on Mommy and Daddy and start sleeping during the night. It takes some getting used to but I am doing pretty good. Daddy says I also have the most powerful lungs in the business and once I start screaming I dont stop for at least an hour.